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”We observe today not a victory of party but a celebration of freedom–symbolizing an end as well as a beginning–signifying renewal as well as change.”
With these words, John F. Kennedy took over the reins of the presidency in January, 1961. He also famously said “Let the word go forth from this time and place, to friend and foe alike, that the torch has been passed to a new generation of Americans.”
And so we’re seeing again with each week’s polls and each day’s headlines. People are hungry for change. They spent months grousing about “Those same two old candidates,” and everything exploded the moment Kamala Harris stepped up onto the stage.
This just proved the truth of Nikki Haley’s bold outlook on the presidential race, when she said this past January: “The first party to retire its 80-year-old candidate is going to be the one who wins this election”.
Whether good or bad, all things must come to an end. There is always a new beginning, and sometimes it is just time to pass the torch on to a new generation. The election is now just 68 days away. Reality needs to set in, and it’s time for Mr. Trump to do what Mr. Biden did and sacrifice himself for the good of the country. Only in this way will he be remembered as someone bigger than himself.
Think of all the fallen soldiers that he represents; men and women who willingly gave what Abraham Lincoln referred to as “the last full measure of devotion.” If Mr. Trump, now that he has people who believe in him, isn’t willing to sacrifice himself for his principles, perhaps it’s just been an act.
If soldiers willing to die for democracy can’t persuade him, perhaps his life as a Christian will mean something…especially given his throngs of followers. After all, if Jesus Christ died for them, then Mr. Trump – who despite his adultery and illegal business practices claims to be a devout Christian – should set an example and go to jail for his adoring legions.
Is he pro-choice as he claimed for years, or pro-life as his judicial choices prove? And if he’s pro-life, why does he stand in the way of anything that could help educate, feed, or house the poor?
In life, we are all dealt a hand of cards. Having been gifted with a stroke at age 11, my hand was not what I wanted, but I have accepted it and built upon this somewhat shaky foundation to become a contributing member of society.
And I urge you, Mr. Trump, to also accept the hand of cards you have received. This country is set up for change, rather than to go backward.
So while your followers probably don’t realize what is happening behind the scenes, either because you and your team aren’t being honest or because your followers are willfully ignorant, it’s safe to say that if they had clear eyes and full knowledge they would not allow your continued freedom.
They certainly wouldn’t vote for the future you want!